Barre Congregational Church

30 Park Street
Barre, Massachusetts
A Message from Pastor Margaret
The Month of July, the Time for Backyard 
Gatherings and More!

We have come to this time of year when we all 
need to escape the heat and find some cool 
places to relax and find comfort for the body. 
 There are some who enjoy cooling off in the 
pool, the river, or the ocean, and then there 
are those who enjoy the shade of a tree, or 
the comfort of an air-conditioned area, whether 
at home, or a common public area. Summer 
is here and it has been hot, and we must find 
ways to relax and take care of each other, 
particularly those who do not have the comfort 
or means to do so. It is also a month of travel, of leisure and fun for many, and we pray for safe travels for everyone.   (more)
© 2024    Barre Congregational Church    30 Park Street, Barre, MA 01005 

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Welcoming & Serving 
the Quabbin Area of Massachusetts
Worship Services:
Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

​Read some of our past sermons!

What's NewGet InvolvedContact UsThe Spire

Community Friendship Suppers (CFS) 
We are so happy to be able to welcome members of our community to a free meal prepared by our Community Friendship Supper volunteers. We are offering to-go meals on the third Thursday of every month, between 5:30-6:30 p.m.

On July 18, we'll be serving our next CFS!  Chicken or Tuna Salad Sandwich & Dessert.

Thursday August 15, 2024: To Be Announced

From the Church Committee
​Lights and Locks. Just a reminder that if you come
into the church and turn on lights, please make sure
the lights are turned off before you leave the church.
Also, make sure the doors are locked

Welcome to the Barre Congregational Church Website! 

A congregation of the United Church of Christ, Barre Congregational Church (BCCUCC) is located on the Common in Barre, Massachusetts. We are a caring community of Christ committed to reaching out into the wider community. We offer ourselves as ministers of grace, healing, understanding, inclusiveness, reconciliation, and joy for the sake of showing our love for Jesus.

Our Pastor: Margaret Keyser

Learn more
New and Noteworthy

Church Council Meetings 
  • Sunday, July 14, 2024 & 
  • Sunday, August 11, 2024 
  • 11:00 AM In Fellowship Hall 

We are very thankful to the choir members who dedicated themselves to coming to practice and singing on Sundays. It was a wonderful addition to our worship services.  We also want to thank those that were able to come and participate during special services. 

Mark your calendars! Choir begins Tuesday, August 27th. Come at 6:00pm with a dish to share for pot luck in the Ladies Parlor. Choir rehearsal will start at 7:00pm in the sanctuary.

Christian Education
The Sunday School led a wonderful worship service on June 9th.  Certificates, Bibles and gifts were presented as we completed another year.

Sunday School will begin again in September. Watch for the date in the bulletin and the September Spire. 

Music and Song in Our Church -- Here's a Peek!