Community Friendship Suppers (CFS)
We are so happy to be able to welcome members of our community to a free meal prepared by our Community Friendship Supper volunteers. We are offering to-go meals on the third Thursday of every month, between 5:30-6:30 p.m.
On September 19, we'll be serving our next CFS! Pancakes, Sausage & Fruit Salad
Drive-Thru Church Supper
Saturday, Sept 28 from 5 pm to 6 pm
Chicken BBQ! Half chicken, potato, corn on the cob, cole slaw and dessert.
$15 Adults, $5 Children under 12
Please support this ongoing fundraiser for the church!
From the Church Committee
Lights and Locks. Just a reminder that if you come
into the church and turn on lights, please make sure
the lights are turned off before you leave the church.
Also, make sure the doors are locked