Barre Congregational Church

30 Park Street
Barre, Massachusetts
A Message from Pastor Margaret
They Cared for Me!

During the intense heat of the summer, and 
with the added humidity we have experienced,
it has been difficult to find the energy to be out
and about, or to do something constructively
outside. My heart goes out to those who must
work outside under such challenging weather
conditions. Unless you have a home with an
air conditioner, or fans that help some, it can be
so unhealthy and difficult to even be in our 
homes. That’s why we are grateful for public 
places that are made available for anyone 
who needs to use them during these times,
especially those who are the least among us. Giving water to our pets, watering our gardens, irrigating our farms during the heat    (more)
© 2024    Barre Congregational Church    30 Park Street, Barre, MA 01005 

Interested in learning more about us?
Contact Us
Welcoming & Serving 
the Quabbin Area of Massachusetts
Worship Services:
Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

​Read some of our past sermons!

What's NewGet InvolvedContact UsThe Spire

Community Friendship Suppers (CFS) 
We are so happy to be able to welcome members of our community to a free meal prepared by our Community Friendship Supper volunteers. We are offering to-go meals on the third Thursday of every month, between 5:30-6:30 p.m.

On September 19, we'll be serving our next CFS!  Pancakes, Sausage & Fruit Salad

Drive-Thru Church Supper
Saturday, Sept 28 from 5 pm to 6 pm
Chicken BBQ!  Half chicken, potato, corn on the cob, cole slaw and dessert.
$15 Adults,  $5 Children under 12
Please support this ongoing fundraiser for the church!

From the Church Committee
​Lights and Locks. Just a reminder that if you come
into the church and turn on lights, please make sure
the lights are turned off before you leave the church.
Also, make sure the doors are locked

Welcome to the Barre Congregational Church Website! 

A congregation of the United Church of Christ, Barre Congregational Church (BCCUCC) is located on the Common in Barre, Massachusetts. We are a caring community of Christ committed to reaching out into the wider community. We offer ourselves as ministers of grace, healing, understanding, inclusiveness, reconciliation, and joy for the sake of showing our love for Jesus.

Our Pastor: Margaret Keyser

Learn more
New and Noteworthy

Barre’s 250 Anniversary Parade -- Come Join the Fun!! 
Saturday, September 21st, starting at 1:00 pm 
The Barre Congregational Church will be a part of the celebration, we have a float! If you are interested in walking behind the float and distributing erasers and activity booklets, please speak 
with Wendy, Janice, Jo, Steve, Toni, Kendra or Sue. We would love to have lots of people to represent our church!! 

Church Council Meeting
  • Sunday, September 15, 2024
  • 11:00 AM In Fellowship Hall 

The choir is starting August 27th. Rehearsals are every Tuesday night at 7:00 

Praise Team
Praise Team will start in October.  Please let Jo know if you are interested.  We are especially looking for people who play instruments.

Christian Education
​If you are new to the church and would like your child or children to attend Sunday School please come and join us for the beginning of the service at 9:30 am and after the Time With The Children portion of the service they will be dismissed to Sunday School.  Toni and Kendra will be teaching the children.

Music and Song in Our Church -- Here's a Peek!